
" Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together...”  

   — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Kindness and Intention Mastermind Alliance

 How many comments would YOU post or reply for the Mastermind
Franklin Makeover Kindness week?  

Kindness Prompt #1

 Observe and share an act of kindness you see between people around you.

Kindness Prompt #2

Perform a random act of kindness (secret or visible) and share it here.

Kindness Prompt #3

Observe an act of kindness in children, animals, in nature and share it here.

Sharing is Kindness!  Do it now...

Why we do this

We focus on this virtue for one week, looking for it everywhere, practicing the Law of Growth, using Benjamin Franklin’s personal makeover technique. What we think about grows. Let grow Kindness.

When we identify it and magnify it, we witness its automatic multiplication and experience the power kindness sparks to change our worlds.  


  • 1
    Awareness of Acts of Kindness 
  • 2
    Courage to Dare to Be Kind
  • 3
    Experience Collective Greatness
  • 4
    Exhibition of Faith  
  • 5
    Builds Confidence and Character  

Today, I witnessed or performed this kindness...

Enter your own comments and reply to others’ comments or acts of kindness. Do it now! 

Current Count

The comments will load one page of 30 at a time. At the bottom of the 30 - click 'load more' to display the additional pages of comments.  

Goal = 2400 Comments
